Welcome to the Sawtooth Economics website! I am Dave Heatley, an experienced microeconomist and policy analyst, based in Wellington New Zealand. I am the director and principal of Sawtooth Economics.
At Sawtooth, we strive for solid analysis, well-grounded in theory and data, and emphasise clear and concise communication of complex analysis and concepts to wide audiences.
This website features a selection of my recent work, including cross-post from Asymmetric Information (AI), the newsletter of the New Zealand Association of Economists. (Among other things, I am the Editor of AI.)
I work closely with Andrew (Andy) Sweet of Firecone Limited, and with Sue Rundle, an experienced statistician and policy analyst, the co-owner of Sawtooth.
Andy and I are accredited researchers with Stats NZ, and have conducted several projects that use the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI) — an amazingly detailed yet underutilised treasure trove of data about New Zealanders and NZ businesses. Our recent work in the IDI includes an analysis of NZ’s low-income households for the Infrastructure Commission.
Sawtooth can assist with your projects — simple or complex. For more information, or just to chat, email dave@sawtootheconomics.com or phone +64 273 545 672.